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EFEN Be there: light+building 2024 – „Be electrified!“

Visit EFEN at the light & building fair in Frankfurt am Main from 3 to 8 March 2024Visit EFEN at Hall 11.0 C88

The world of electrical engineering awaits you at light+building in Frankfurt/Main from 3 to 8 March 2024.
Under the inspiring motto „Be electrified“, the industry will come together this year to experience and shape electrification in all its facets. EFEN would also like to present the latest innovations in energy technology and the smartification of energy distribution grids. Take the opportunity to discuss these topics with us in person in an interesting and cosy environment.

We look forward to introducing you to our innovative new products and visions for the grids of the future.

Meet us at light+building from 03 to 08 March 2024.